Dampak Pola Asuh Authoritarian pada Kesehatan Mental Anak

Pola asuh authoritarian dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan mental anak.

The Impact of Authoritarian Parenting on Children’s Mental Health

Dampak Pola Asuh Authoritarian pada Kesehatan Mental Anak


Parenting styles play a crucial role in shaping a child’s development, including their mental health. In Indonesia, one prevalent parenting style is authoritarian parenting, characterized by strict rules, high expectations, and little room for autonomy. While this parenting style may be rooted in cultural norms and values, it can have significant negative consequences on children’s mental well-being. This article aims to explore the impact of authoritarian parenting on children’s mental health in Indonesia, highlighting the potential long-term effects and suggesting alternative approaches for healthier parent-child relationships.

The Characteristics of Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parenting is characterized by strict discipline, high control, and low warmth. Parents who adopt this style tend to have rigid rules and expectations, demanding obedience without providing explanations or considering their child’s perspective. They often use punishment as a means of discipline and discourage open communication or expression of emotions. While authoritarian parenting may stem from a desire to instill discipline and respect, it can have detrimental effects on children’s mental health.

Numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between authoritarian parenting and various mental health issues in children. One study conducted in Indonesia found that children raised in authoritarian households were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression compared to those raised in authoritative or permissive households. The lack of emotional support and autonomy in authoritarian parenting can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, helplessness, and a higher risk of developing mental health disorders.

Impact on Self-Esteem and Emotional Well-being

Authoritarian parenting can significantly impact a child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. The constant criticism, strict rules, and lack of emotional support can make children feel inadequate and unworthy. They may develop a fear of making mistakes or expressing their emotions, leading to emotional suppression and difficulties in forming healthy relationships. These negative experiences during childhood can have long-lasting effects on their mental health, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal ideation.

Effects on Autonomy and Independence

One of the key aspects of authoritarian parenting is the limited autonomy and independence granted to children. Parents make decisions for their children without considering their opinions or desires, hindering their ability to develop decision-making skills and a sense of autonomy. This lack of independence can lead to feelings of powerlessness and frustration, which may manifest as rebellious behavior or withdrawal from social interactions. It can also impede the development of problem-solving skills and hinder their ability to cope with challenges later in life.

Long-Term Consequences

The impact of authoritarian parenting extends beyond childhood and can have long-term consequences on an individual’s mental health. Children raised in authoritarian households may carry the effects of this parenting style into adulthood, struggling with low self-esteem, difficulties in forming healthy relationships, and a higher susceptibility to mental health disorders. The lack of emotional support and autonomy during childhood can shape their perception of themselves and others, making it challenging to break free from the negative patterns established during their upbringing.

Alternative Approaches for Healthier Parent-Child Relationships

Recognizing the potential harm of authoritarian parenting, it is essential to explore alternative approaches that promote healthier parent-child relationships and support children’s mental well-being. One such approach is authoritative parenting, which combines warmth, support, and clear boundaries. Authoritative parents provide explanations for rules, encourage open communication, and consider their child’s perspective. This parenting style fosters a sense of autonomy, self-esteem, and emotional well-being in children.

Another approach is positive parenting, which focuses on reinforcing positive behavior rather than solely relying on punishment. Positive parenting emphasizes building a strong emotional connection with the child, using praise and rewards to encourage desired behavior, and teaching problem-solving skills. This approach promotes a healthy parent-child relationship, enhances the child’s self-esteem, and reduces the risk of mental health issues.


In conclusion, authoritarian parenting has significant negative impacts on children’s mental health in Indonesia. The strict discipline, lack of emotional support, and limited autonomy can lead to low self-esteem, emotional difficulties, and a higher risk of mental health disorders. Recognizing the long-term consequences of this parenting style, it is crucial to promote alternative approaches that prioritize warmth, support, and autonomy. By adopting authoritative or positive parenting styles, parents can foster healthier parent-child relationships and contribute to their children’s positive mental well-being.

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